
Kumu 15! 17/02/2021 – 21/02/2021

Kumu Art Museum
Birthday special price on-site
Theme event

Kumu 15!

From 17 to 21 February, the Kumu Art Museum celebrates its fifteenth anniversary. The celebrations take place both on site and online. The friends of Kumu are invited to take advantage of our exhibition overviews in various languages, creative workshops and many other exciting offers. Come and spend a memorable day with family or friends in an art museum!

Some of the highlights in the anniversary programme include the official closing of the exhibitions Broken Symmetries and Ado Vabbe. Wunderbar, virtual events at the exhibition Egypt of Glory: Art from the Nile Valley in the Great Hall, and the opening of the new permanent exposition Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945.

From 17 to 21 February, all visitors can visit the museum at the discounted price of 5 €. In addition, we offer all art lovers anniversary discounts in the Kumu Museum Shop and the museum’s Reval Café.

Note! Participation in all on-site events needs to be pre-booked, as the number of available spots is limited. Pre-booking will open on the Kumu website on Wednesday, 10 February.

Due to the spread of the virus, masks are compulsory for all of our events.



Wed, 17.02

The opening of the new permanent exposition Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945. Curators Kadi Polli and Linda Kaljundi


Thu, 18.02

At 6 pm The finissage of the exhibition Ado Vabbe. Wunderbar: a virtual curator’s tour with Mary-Ann Talvistu on Kumu’s Facebook page


Sat, 20.02

Main programme. Day’s highlights: Broken Symmetries and Egypt of Glory

On site events

At 2 pm Broken Symmetries workshop: drawing and painting (visitors can draw the traces of undiscovered particles on paper with the help of a particle accelerator made from a record player, or paint an abstract work of art with the help of magnets).
You can register on the spot according to the number of places.

At 3 pm Broken Symmetries: an exhibition overview in Estonian by Kati Ilves.


At 4 pm Broken Symmetries: an audio-visual performance by Sander Saarmets & Virge Loo.


Virtual events

 At 12 pm Egypt of Glory: Art from the Nile Valley: a short overview in Estonian (podcast by the curator Jaanika Anderson), on Kumu’s Facebook page and website

At 1 pm The virtual lecture Hieroglyphs. Word and Image in the Language of Ancient Egypt, by the Egyptologist and jewellery designer Ulrika Paemurru, on Kumu’s Facebook page and website

At 2 pm Broken Symmetries: a virtual introduction and an artist talk in English (curator José-Carlos Mariátegui and artists Alan Bogana, Lea Porsager).
The live event takes place on Teams.

Join the tour and talk on Teams


Sun, 21.02

Main programme. Day’s highlights: Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945

A short video programme about the new permanent exhibition Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945, with some highlighted works of art and phenomena from the history of Estonian art, on Kumu’s Facebook page

On site events

At 2 pm An Estonian-language overview of the new permanent exposition Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945.


At 3 pm A Russian-language overview of the new permanent exposition Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945.


At 4 pm An English-language overview of the new permanent exposition Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945.


Virtual events

At 4 pm A virtual exhibition overview: The Aesthetics of Diversity / Rendering Race. Bart Pushaw, in English, on Kumu’s Facebook page and website