
Online art lectures

Learn about Estonian art in a safe virtual environment and organise an exciting evening filled with art together with your friends! 

Wherever you are – at home, or on holiday at your country house, summer cottage or by the Mediterranean Sea – you can organise an entertaining and educational online art lecture for your family, friends, teammates or colleagues. An engaging lecture and discussion with an art specialist is a colourful addition to your birthday, anniversary, terrace-evening, simple get-together or team event.

In hour-long online lectures, listeners can learn in real time about a topic or an exhibition, ask the lecturer questions and discuss issues together. The programme will include a presentation with numerous reproductions, which allows participants to examine works of art on the screen.

Duration: 60 minutes + 10 minutes for questions

Price: 65 euros (the price applies to groups of up to twenty-five listeners; with larger groups, the price is negotiable)

Please choose the preferred topic:

  • Estonian art in the early 20th century
  • The first women artists and how they were shaped
  • From socialist realism to hyperrealism


Online art lectures are delivered by the curators and educational specialists of the Kumu Art Museum. The lecture can take place on Microsoft Teams or Zoom, as agreed upon. Listeners do not have to download anything in advance; the only things needed are a good Internet connection and a computer or a smart phone. The programme can be ordered in Estonian, English or Russian.

Additional information and booking:

Tereza Špongolts

Coordinator of Art Education Programmes