05/07/2024 | 15:20
The Art Museum of Estonia this summer: From the greats of Latin American art at Kumu to the Spanish masters at the Kadriorg Art Museum
The Art Museum of Estonia comprises five museums in Tallinn with a varied exhibition programme. These museums, each with its own image and focus, offer exceptional art exhibitions and a magical atmosphere that make your visit to the Estonian capital unforgettable.
The exhibition History and Mystery: Latin American Art and Europe. Photo: Stanislav Stepaško -
17/06/2024 | 10:54
The first major exhibition of Latin American art to open in Estonia
This is the largest display of Latin American art in Estonia so far. The exhibition features art from two eras: the Spanish colonial period from the 17th to the 19th century, and the first half of the 20th century.
Diego Rivera (1886–1957). Danzantito (Child Dancer from Huejotzingo). Ca 1946. Watercolour and ink. © The Phoebus Foundation, Antwerp -
27/05/2024 | 16:00
Jevgeni Zolotko’s largest solo exhibition to date opens in Kumu
The Secret of Adam, the solo exhibition of Jevgeni Zolotko, one of the most idiosyncratic contemporary artists in Estonia, will open in the Kumu Art Museum on 31 May. The exhibition explores the relationship between things and language in human life, referring to the story in the Bible where Adam was given the task of naming everything around him. The artist and the museum have dedicated this exhibition to the late curator Triin Tulgiste-Toss (1987–2024).
Jevgeni Zolotko. 2024. Photo by Gabriela Urm / Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art -
15/05/2024 | 13:40
The Finnish band Cleaning Women gives a concert in Kumu with the Georgian film My Grandmother
A cinema concert in the auditorium of the Kumu Art Museum on 24 May will combine a classic silent film with a contemporary musical experience: the film My Grandmother by Kote Mikaberidze will be shown, with the Finnish experimental music collective Cleaning Women providing the avant-garde soundtrack.
Still from the film My Grandmother (Chemi bebia, 1929, 61 min) -
07/05/2024 | 10:26
The Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia invites proposals for papers for the 2025 issue
The Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia is an annual peer-reviewed scientific journal. The journal publishes original research in the fields of art and museology, as well as texts concerning conferences and exhibitions held at museums.
The Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia is an annual peer-reviewed scientific journal -
18/03/2024 | 10:37
Kumu’s new exhibition explores the dreams and desires of Baltic Germans and Estonian peasants through the works of Elisàr von Kupffer and Jaanus Samma
The exhibition Elisarion: Elisàr von Kupffer and Jaanus Samma will be on display at the Kumu Art Museum beginning 22 March. Elisàr von Kupffer (1872–1942) was a Baltic-German artist, writer and philosopher, and was born and raised in Estonia.
Elisàr von Kupffer. The New Covenant. 1915–1916. Centro Elisarion, municipality of Minusio -
13/02/2024 | 10:23
Kumu Art Museum celebrates its 18th birthday with a festival of guided tours
During the birthday weekend, museum visitors can take part in various guided tours, workshops, discussions and individual journeys of exploration.
The photo shows the opening of the exhibition “melanie bonajo: When the body says Yes+”. Photo: Joosep Kivimäe -
06/02/2024 | 16:45
The Kumu Art Museum’s exhibition Art in the Age of the Anthropocene was recognised as the Exhibition of the Year 2023
The exhibition did much more than usual: it was important, it touched and changed the world beyond the borders of the exhibition hall, and it had an impact on the wider museumscape.
Art in the Age of the Anthropocene was awarded the Museum Rat for the Exhibition of the Year 2023. Photo: Haide Rannakivi -
01/01/2024 | 15:00
More than 350,000 art lovers visited the Art Museum of Estonia in 2023
According to the chief executive officer of the Art Museum of Estonia, Sirje Helme, the increase in visitor numbers is the result of the dedication of the entire museum staff.
Glass lift in the Niguliste tower. Photo: Art Museum of Estonia – Niguliste Museum -
Eesti Kunstimuuseumi tänavusel jõulukaardil on Enn Põldroosi teos „Meri XVI“ (1976). Eesti Kunstimuuseum -
27/11/2023 | 16:29
A creative dialogue is set up in Kumu between the Italian Transavantgarde and Estonian Calm Expressionism
On 1 December, the exhibition Borderless Universe in Their Minds: Italian Transavantgarde and Estonian Calm Expressionism will open in the Great Hall of the Kumu Art Museum.
Enzo Cucchi (1949). Euphoric Music (Musica ebbra). 1982. Oil, mixed media and metal collage on canvas. Collezione D’Ercole, Rome. Photo: Corrado de Grazia -
06/11/2023 | 13:01
melanie bonajo’s exhibition on body and touch opens at the Kumu Art Museum
The exhibition features four experimental documentaries. In addition to the immersive and sensitive centrepiece When the body says Yes, three of bonajo’s earlier works are included, exploring the themes of intimacy and the search for contact.
melanie bonajo. When the body says Yes. 2022. Video still. Scenography and installation in collaboration with Théo Demans, commissioned by the Mondriaan Fund. Courtesy of the artist and AKINCI