

For travel agencies

For travel agencies

The Art Museum of Estonia collaborates closely with various travel agencies. If you are interested in offering visits to the Kumu Art Museum and other branches of the Art Museum of Estonia and taking advantage of our services, we would like to enter into a cooperation agreement with you.

To service our contractual partners faster and more easily, we have an e-booking portal to book tours, tour guides and additional services.

For information and to conclude a contract with us, please contact:

Piret Järvan

Head of Marketing and Services

For tour guides

Tours in the museum can be led only by certified tour guides who have completed our training programme. A tour guide must have a Kumu Art Museum guide’s ID badge in order to lead tours. For certification, a guide has to complete a basic training programme for Kumu guides and pass an exam.

Tereza Špongolts

Coordinator of Art Education Programmes

The maximum size of a tourist groups in the Kumu Art Museum is 25 people plus the guide.

The Art Museum of Estonia wishes to provide their guests with a pleasant experience. Please observe our code of conduct in order to preserve the treasures of the museum and to be considerate to other visitors.
Visitor’s Reminder