
Kumu Documentary: Kandis for Life 27/04/2022 | 18:00

Kumu Art Museum
Kumu Documentary: Kandis for Life
Arhiiv_Kumu Dokk

Kumu Documentary: Kandis for Life

Location: Kumu auditorium

Original title Kandis for Livet
Dir Jesper Dalgaard
Denmark 2021, 93 min
In Danish with English subtitles
Introduction by Anneli Vilu.

The film delves into a world of extraordinary people who have made the lead singer of Scandinavia’s biggest band, Kandis, their own personal Jesus. It offers an honest account of Johnny’s private tragedy, which is deeply rooted in the lives of his dedicated fans. Shared stories of loss, loneliness and finding love again are told, and it becomes clear that no one can face life’s challenges alone.

Entrance free of charge.
NB! Due to COVID-19, please note the current regulations.
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