
Kumu Documentary: Buñuel: A Surrealist Film-maker 16/03/2022 | 18:00

Kumu Art Museum
Buñuel: A Surrealist Film-maker
Arhiiv_Kumu Dokk

Kumu Documentary: Buñuel: A Surrealist Film-maker

Dir Javier Espada
Spain 2021, 83 min
In Spanish, with English subtitles
Introduction by film journalist Tõnu Karjatse

Luis Buñuel, pioneer of the purest surrealist cinema beginning with An Andalusian Dog. Although he wanted to abandon surrealism after The Golden Age, he made continuous references to surrealist postulates during his cinematographic career in Mexico and later in France and Spain.

Buñuel never ceased to cultivate these principles, which emerged from his childhood, elements that, like dreams, formed parts of his most basic creative principles and shaped a large part of the unique quality of his cinema. Buñuel’s films, like Goya’s paintings, have echoed in the creative paths of film-makers, writers, painters and playwrights. This documentary will allow a new generation of young viewers to discover this universal film-maker. Buñuel’s vision remains provocative, and is enhanced by his links with art and literature.

PS. After the documentary, the short film An Andalusian Dog will be screened (France 1929, 16 min).

Entrance free of charge.
NB! Due to COVID-19, please note the current regulations.
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