
Kumu Documentary: The Promise: Architect BV Doshi 21/02/2024

Kumu Art Museum

Kumu Auditorium

Kumu Documentary: The Promise: Architect BV Doshi
Arhiiv_Kumu Dokk

Kumu Documentary: The Promise: Architect BV Doshi

Dir Jan Schmidt-Garre
Germany 2023, 52 min
In English, Gujarati and Hindi, with English subtitles
Introduction by architect Andro Mänd

Balkrishna Doshi (1927‒2023) was one of India’s most influential 20th-century architects and a recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Doshi and his practice, Vastu-Shilpa, has a portfolio spanning over 70 years, including collaborations with both Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn.

The film introduces viewers to his famous buildings and offers an exclusive look at his work process. Doshi shares his sources of inspiration and motivation and is also a brilliant storyteller. His presence of mind, his humour and his wisdom create the image of a man from whom we can not only learn how to build humanely, but from whom we can learn to be human.

BV Doshi passed away at age 95 on 24 January 2023 in Ahmedabad, India.

Entrance free of charge.

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