
Kumu Documentary: Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story 26/10/2022 | 18:00

Kumu Art Museum
Kumu Documentary. Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story
Arhiiv_Kumu Dokk

Kumu Documentary: Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story

Location: Kumu auditorium

Dir Mick McIntyre, Kate McIntyre Clere
Australia 2017, 103 min
In English, with English subtitles
Introduction by Anu Tensing, member of the board, MTÜ Loomus.

This groundbreaking film reveals the truth surrounding Australia’s love-hate relationship with its beloved icon.

The kangaroo image is proudly used by top companies, sports teams and in souvenirs, yet as they hop across the vast continent some consider them to be pests to be shot and the meat sold for profit.

Kangaroo unpacks a national paradigm in which the relationship with kangaroos is examined.

We wish to thank MTÜ Loomus


Entrance free of charge.

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