
Kumu Documentary: A Bunch of Amateurs 15/03/2023

Kumu Art Museum
Kumu Documentary: A Bunch of Amateurs. Bradford Movie Makers image. Photo: Kim Hopkins
Arhiiv_Kumu Dokk

Kumu Documentary: A Bunch of Amateurs

Location: Kumu auditorium

Dir Kim Hopkins
UK 2022, 95 min
In English
Introduction by Jaanus Lekk.

This tragicomic documentary shines an affectionate spotlight on the Bradford Movie Makers, established in 1932 and one of northern England’s last remaining amateur film-making clubs.

Members of varying vintages – middle age to free bus pass – meet up to watch reels of their earlier short films. Suitably inspired, they then remake scenes from Oklahoma! with DIY CGI, while also trying to find money for a poetic horror project. Cue arguments, care homes and cups of tea, fundraising drives and fading dreams.

Entrance free of charge.

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