
Family Mornings: Party of Faces 23/02/2025 | 12:00

Kumu Art Museum
Birthday special price for family
Fotod: Helen Melesk ja Toomas Kristin
Family event

Family Mornings: Party of Faces

During the family morning the participants will discover what a portrait can reveal about the person portrayed! They will create their portraits or a whole series of portraits in the studio!

Family Mornings

Kumu Family Mornings is a series for families with children aged 4–8. Monthly on a Sundays (September-May) from 14.00–15.30, Kumu welcomes children and their parents into the world of vivid art.
Each month we will introduce one of our exhibitions and together with children and their parents we will ask questions and discover stories, and meanings hidden behind the art works. In addition, children will have an opportunity to experiment with exciting creative workshops in the studio.

Family Mornings are held in EstonianRussian and English.