
Summer in Southern Estonia


Konrad Mägi’s oil painting Lake Pühajärv Landscape. Created between 1916 and 1917, collection of the Art Museum of Estonia


Jaan Koort’s sculptures Shepherd Boy, in basalt, created in 1921, and the ceramic Pig, created in 1929. Both belong to the Art Museum of Estonia collection


Adamson-Eric’s oil paintings Farmyard II, created in 1938, and Puka Landscape II, created in 1939. Both belong to the Art Museum of Estonia collection


Villem Ormisson’s oil painting Taevaskoda in Spring, created in 1938, collection of the Art Museum of Estonia, and A Bridge in Valgemetsa, created in 1938, collection of the Tartu Art Museum


Jaan Vahtra’s oil paintings Spring Morning in Väike Taevaskoda, created in 1942, private collection, and Spring on the River Pärlijõgi, created in 1946, collection of the Vana-Võromaa Museum


Eduard Rüga’s wood engravings from southern Estonia

Texts: Liis Pählapuu
Translators: Peeter Talvistu (English), Jan Rahman (Võro)
Language editors: Klaire Kolman, Richard Adang
Voice artists: Anu Lamp, Tarmo Tagamets
Sound director: Külli Tüli, Estonian National Broadcasting
Technical solutions: Jaak Arula, Audioguide OÜ