
Modernity. Radicalism


Jaan Vahtra’s oil painting The Confirmation House of Räpina. Created in 1917, Enn Kunila’s art collection


Karl Pärsimägi’s oil painting Self-Portrait with Pearls. Created around 1935, collection of the Art Museum of Estonia


Peet Aren’s painting in oil and tempera Farmhouse in Mulgimaa. Created in 1922, collection of the Art Museum of Estonia


Eduard Timbermann’s watercolour Male Nude. Created around 1928, private collection

Texts: Liis Pählapuu
Translators: Peeter Talvistu (English), Jan Rahman (Võro)
Language editors: Klaire Kolman, Richard Adang
Voice artists: Anu Lamp, Tarmo Tagamets
Sound director: Külli Tüli, Estonian National Broadcasting
Technical solutions: Jaak Arula, Audioguide OÜ